Tuesday, September 29, 2015

A New Chapter

Where we went, what we did and who we went with ?
Who ? -


What ? -

Where ? -

Where we went, what we did and who we went with ?

You cant always know who did what and with whom, but would it help to know ?
It can often help to know the things other people do with their lives, because then a guideline for ones own life can be made. In the same time we also are disturbed by one's actions in it's own life, and questions are raised, comments are made and even confrontations can happen.
Their was an old man who lived peacefully and would sit on a chair in the center of a mediocre standard town. He would watch the young people living their life according to a book with "guidelines" how one should live to achieve the perfect life. Meanwhile he was being watched by children, they asked him: "Why do you only sit on a chair and watch, while people are striving to achieve perfection even though it doesn't seem to work", he answered, "there must be someone to monitor the situation, that knows perfection is impossible..."
The children just walked away.

 Did they go strive for perfection or did they just give up on it ?